Gaia Exploración is embarking on a new international project, SEMACRET, coordinated by the University of Oulu (Finland) together with 17 participants from all over the world.
It is a study for the sustainable exploitation of raw materials in different parts of the European Union in order to chart a path towards a green energy transition. Developing socially and environmentally sustainable means of exploration for critical raw materials (CRM).
During the project, models are generated for orthomagmatic deposits that will be used to locate areas of high exploration potential, from regional to local scale.
Through collaboration between geosciences and social sciences, the project will also develop methods to promote social awareness of the importance of responsible exploration and mining.
It will be carried out at several reference sites in Finland, Portugal, Poland and the Czech Republic, as they represent different geological, social and environmental conditions.
The ultimate goal is to promote the responsible sourcing of CRM in the, thus ensuring the continuous supply of CRM for EU industries.
Here we present the news and events related to the project.